Wednesday 27 July 2016

A Tale of Two Cities PDF Novel Free Download

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A tale of two cities was written by Charles Dickons. This historical novel was published in United Kingdom in 1859. This novel is followed by “Great Expectations”. This novel was published in 1861.

A tale of two cities is about Paris and London and before the French Revolutions. This novel shows the demoralizations of French peasantry by French government. At that time in French aristocracy was ruling. For those who do not know, aristocracy is the type of government in which the rule of any country is given to small ruling class. This novel also shows the reaction of revolution towards French aristocracy. The torture and brutality done by revolutionaries towards aristocracy is also described in this novel, along with the change in social life of London during this revolution.

This novel has one of the most famous opening lines in history of novels (fiction). The main character of this novel includes Dr. Manette, his daughter Lucie and Charles. Dr. Manette is held captive in Bastille without trial for about 18 years. Lucie thinks that she is an orphan. She is grown up in London. The third character Charles has emigrated from France. He had to leave France because he hated his family and could not live with them.

A Tale of Two Cities Review

The novel also shows the return to Lucia’s husband to his country France, where he indulges himself on wrong side. This story is about love, war and heroism. The twist is novel occurs when Lucie and Charles fall in love with each other and get married because there is also another person who loves Lucie very much and will do anything for her. That third person is also another very important character of this novel. He is an English Lawyer named Carlton.

Dickens acted in the play by Wilkie Collins named “The Frozen Deep”. This novel is inspired by the play “The Frozen Deep”. This novel is about love, sacrifice and love twist between three people.

This novel was published in weekly installment and Dickens was not happy with this restriction therefore he decided to give his novel a new approach. He put direct dialogues in the story, as a result shorter paragraphs and chapters were formed. Therefore the each chapter is more efficient and is full of energy. In this story things are continuously changing, and breaking. Examples include shattering of wine cork at Defogs wine shop which is in Paris, first introduction of an infamous couple, and blood of thousands of French people during the period of terror.

When it was published people divided it on the basis of merit. Some people said that it is actually a very beautiful novel, public appreciated and embraced it, while some people also criticized it. But no doubt this is probably one of the best novels of Dickens. People throughout the world read it. However it is not very much popular in schools.

Films based on this novel were also released. In 1911, 1917 and 1922 silent film named “A Tale of Two Cities” was released. In 1935 a black and white film was also released on the same novel.

Television series were also released based on this novel. ABC produced miniseries in 1953. This was two part miniseries. In 1957 BBC produced eight part miniseries and in 1965 they produced ten part miniseries in the year 1980. This novel had also been used to produce opera, stage music, stage productions and radio programs.

This novel is perhaps the most famous and beautiful novel of its time. People still love to read this novel even after a gap of hundred years.

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